Overview The highly anticipated sequel to 2007's Game of the Year, Portal 2 is a hilariously mind-bending adventure that challenges y...
Overview Nazi's have won WWII. Blazkowicz is set up to stop the Nazi's rule over the world. 50% on steam 2014 Publisher/Develop...
Dead Space 3
Overview Science Fiction RPG. Alien artifact,THE MARKER has awakened some corpses of humans. Now its on returning protagonist Issac Clark...
Assassin's Creed Unity
Ubisoft has announced Assassin's Creed Unity to be released on 28 October 2014 . Overview Assassin's Creed Unity take ...
Metal Slug 3
Overview A masterpiece by SNK. This is really good game. Challenging and the game is always on. Publisher/Developer SNK Release Da...
Mass Effect 3
Science Fiction RPG. Final Chapter in Trilogy. Some aspects have been adopted from previous versions but there are new combat moves in ...
Farming SImulator
Overview Biggest farming simulator ever made. Also considered as no. 1 farming simulator. Create the your way with a lot of different stu...
How To Recover your Soaked Phone
TIME TECH: What to do when you drop your phone in a toilet bowl? Step One: Don't Get Panic!! Step Two: See the video by...
7 Days to Die (7 DTD)
Overview 7 Days to Die (abbreviated as 7DTD ) is an open world, voxel-based sandbox game created by The Fun Pimps. It is a mash up of fir...
Best Budget Graphics Cards
Graphics card are the soul of video gaming. They are necessary to run high quality video games. Integrated graphics card is a marketing tri...
Dont Starve (13+14)
Overview Roguelike(a sub category of RPG). Save Wilson and keep him healthy as he he faces surreal and supernatural things. NOTE: You d...
Call of Duty Ghosts
Overview For the first time in Call of Duty, gamers play as the underdog, fighting as part of a single squad against an enemy that has sup...